Christmas Poems
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Hello, Merry Christmas!

At this time of Christmas cheer,
It's awfully good from friends to hear.
A little note can bring the smiles,
To a loved one 'cross the miles.
We are healthy and we pray,
That you are much the same this day.
The good times from the days gone by,
Inspire us to really try.
To make this holiday the best,
We all will be put to the test.
These days are hard for all we know,
Such busy people on the go.
Working hard to make ends meet,
This time of year is such a treat.
Here's hoping that your days are merry,
A wish from Lisa, A.D. and Gerry.

Gerald A. Worden 
Christmas 1991


            THIS TIME OF YEAR,
                YOU WILL HEAR,

            FOR CHRISTMAS DAY,
                 AND FAR AWAY,

               A.D. AND GERRY.

Gerald A. Worden 
Christmas 1993


It’s the season of Christmas and all through the land
The people are happy, the feeling is grand.
The children have moved out all on their own,
For this is what happens when they are full grown.
With Ma on her crutches and me on my cane,
We try to remember what drove us insane.
Yes times have been hard and we were quite sad,
There were certainly better days that we have had.
Even in the worst of our tears and our sorrow,
We rejoice in the thought of a better tomorrow.
Though everyone told us these days would arrive
None bothered to mention if we would survive.
When what to our lonely old hearts should appear,
But displays of love from friends far and near.
With help from our families and wishes of love,
We knew there was counsel from the big guy above.
Remember this season and try to be merry,
Here’s wishes of love from Cheryl and Gerry.

Gerald A. Worden 
Christmas 1997

The Christmas Card

We charge you little Christmas card,
with a mission far and wide.
To find our friends should not be hard, unless they choose to hide.

Some moved and did not tell us where, but you should persevere.
You let them know we really care,
and that we want to hear.

About themselves, how they survived,
the year we leave behind.
Let them know we’ve been revived,
and pray that they will find.

A wish of Merry Christmas Cheer,
within you little card.
We hope it lasts though out the year, it shouldn’t be that hard.

You tell them that you have been sent,
to make their season merry.
Explain the hope and love we meant,from Adrian, Cheryl and Gerry.

Gerald A. Worden 
Christmas 2000

Christmas Poem

At this the time of Christmas cheer,
from friends and loved ones we will hear.
With cards and E-mails cross the miles,
intending to elicit smiles.

We’re never sure just what to say. 
The right card has a price we’ll pay.
We send our wishes far and wide
like lonely bottles on the tide.

The ways to send them seem to vary.
But send them quick and do not tarry.
They’re on the way both far and near.
These little notes of Yuletide Cheer.

They hang on windows, walls and tiles.
They even stack in little piles.
Some cards will just get put away and
picked back up another day.

The love they bring, you cannot hide.
These messages create such pride.
Here’s wishing that your season’s merry,
This from Cheryl, Adrian and Gerry.

Christmas 1999
Gerald A. Worden 

Search for Greater Meaning

“Oh Holy Night,” or “Silent Night,” the carols that we’re singing,
You sing the song, quite loud and long, in search of greater meaning.
As we grow older, hearts get bolder, with the joys of life we’re gleaning,
The loves we’ve found, make hearts abound, while searching for greater meaning.
And then at length, we find new strength, in a child that is just beaming,
Could it be, that this is he, the fount of greater meaning?
Beyond the mountains, past the moon, the Christmas star is gleaming,
Our constant stride, removed our pride, and Jesus IS the meaning.

Gerald A. Worden 
Christmas 2001

Christmas Again

Once again we find ourselves within the Christmas season.
We’re buying gifts and sending cards, but do we know the reason.
We do this each and every year while carols we are singing.
But, do we understand the words, can we recall their meaning.
Silent Night and Christmas Tree and then Come All Ye Faithful.
This music makes us feel so good but does it make us grateful?
Sure, we laugh and sing and dry our eyes, forget about tomorrow.
But come the morning there we are right back amidst our sorrow.
God only gives us what he’s sure that we can manage truly.
Sometimes it seems an awful task and we get quite unruly.
Just think about the songs we sing around this time of year.
Concentrate upon the words; allow your heart to hear.
Remember that it’s “Life” and “Love” the messages they’re sending.
Open up and let them in, then you can start your mending.
We want to tell you every one, what it means to know you all.
That you were there, and cared for us when we were feeling small.
So, we want to say in days to come, we hope you will be merry.
This message is sent from us to you, the Wordens, Cheryl and Gerry.

Gerald A. Worden 
Christmas 2002

The Only Christmas Card

At Christmas time we tend to think of all the things we’ll buy.
The thought of sending Christmas cards just nearly makes us cry.
If you could only send one card, whatever would you do?
You’d make a list and check it twice to ponder whom to choose.
The list would grow as you recall your friends throughout the years.
The good times that you shared with each and even times with tears.
But then you try to reminisce which ones would be the best.
Which friend you like above them all, but what about the rest?
The time with friends is special now, as you already know.
Each moment like a shining star as through your life you go.
Some friends come and others go as time just moves along.
And each one brings a special thought uplifting as a song.
You try to find that special friend to send a wish of cheer.
And hope that happiness and joy will last throughout the year.
Cheryl and Gerry send this wish to our friend that is most true.
You know if you are reading this, then that friend is surely you.

Gerald A. Worden 
Christmas 2003

Dealing With the Holiday Demand
(Walking in a Winter Wonderland )

With our friends, we are talking,
In the stores, we are walking
But we’re feeling fine, while we stand in line,
Dealing with the holiday demand.

All the cards, have been written,
With the joys, we’ve been smitten
We’re sending you smiles, across all the miles,
Dealing with the holiday demand.

In the future we will start much quicker.
We’ll pretend that we can get it done.
We notice that the stack has gotten thicker.
But then you know that this is half the fun.

Later on, when we’re tired,
Looking back, we’re inspired
We got a lot done, and had so much fun,
Dealing with the holiday demand.

In the future we will start much quicker.
All these things we’ll do them one by one.
We’ll seal each letter with a little sticker.
And wet them with a sponge not on our tongue.

All the gifts that we’re buying,
And the clothes that we’re trying,
Are part of the game, and you feel the same,
Dealing with the holiday demand.

Dealing with the holiday demand.

Gerald A. Worden 
Christmas 2004

Saying What We Mean

Some folks have said we cannot use
the words that state the reason.
The ones that speak, or yet describe,
the meaning for the season.

We always try avoiding words
that bother someone’s feeling.
The words are changed to not offend
and often leave us reeling.

For once I think we ought to say
exactly what we mean.
The words we use, direct enough,
related to the scene.

The tension mounts, the days count down, toward the holiday.
Our list is shrinking very fast
as tasks are checked away.

The house is cleaned, the food prepared,
the tree completely done. 
The lights are strung around the house
and stockings one by one.

We send our wishes far and wide
for peace and happiness.
And hope the season doesn’t leave
your place too much a mess.

We hope this year was not overrun
with stress or excess burden
Have a Merry Christmas and a good New Year, from Gerry and Cheryl Worden.

Gerald A. Worden
Christmas 2005

‘Tis the Season

It’s time now for Christmas; I can say that again.
For the season of wonder about to begin.

Even Kwanza or Chanukah if that’s what you partake.
They all involve food that you boil, fry or bake.

With Ma in her kitchen and me on my crutch,
We remember we’re thankful for so very much.

The children have all moved out on their own,
This is as it should be when they are full grown.

Yes times have been hard and some were quite sad,
There really were better days that we all had.

Yet in the midst of our pain and our sorrow,
We delight in the notion of a better tomorrow.

And then on our lonely old hearts it descends,
Expressions of cheer from our family and friends.

Just remember this season and try to be merry,
Here are wishes of love from Cheryl and Gerry.

Gerald A. Worden 
Christmas 2006

Christmas Already

The lights have been hung all around on the house,
And the tree is set in its place.
The ornaments lay all over the floor,
And you wonder if you will ever be done.

Gifts have been bought, just right for each child,
The groceries brought home from the store.
The list of chores to do is quite long
And you wonder if you will ever be done.

Is it worth the trouble to do all these things?
That’s the question you ask yourself.
You look at the clock and worry aloud
And you wonder if you will ever be done.

The neighbors came by with flowers and carols
And candies they made just for you
So you bake some more cakes and set them to cool
And you wonder if you will ever be done.

Then Christmas morning you watch all the kids
Throwing ribbons and bows to the side.
You think of the mess you have to clean up
And you wonder if you will ever be done.

Then New Years has passed and everything’s packed
Back in their storage containers
You sit back and relax in your big easy chair
And realize you really are done.

This year was so hectic you never did stop
To remember the reason you do this.
Continue to spread the love and the cheer
And you’ll realize you never are done.

Gerald A. Worden 
Christmas 2007

Christmas Cards

We send out Christmas cards each year
A quite important token.
It speaks to those we care about
With words that should be spoken.

Wish you were here” and “Peace on Earth”
Are messages we sending.
A simple declaration to
Enhance the moods you’re tending.

You send them out this time of year
When everything is glowing.
So folks will know you think of them
In every way you/re showing.

A gift is thoughtful, very nice;
It’s something that they needed.
The love that you express by these,
Your message will be heeded.

Merry times will soon be had
In each and every action.
So sit right back, enjoy the time,
Embrace your satisfaction.

Christmas Time is filled with love
More than another season,
Read the first word of each verse
And you will see the reason.

Gerald A. Worden 
Christmas 2008

Christmas, Humbug?

I had a dream the other day a dream of Peace on Earth.
I wished for it with all my heart for everything I’m worth.
Then I looked back across the year and knew it was depleted.
For everything that I recalled just made me feel so cheated.

This year has been a brutal one that really tests my metal.
I felt like I was in the fire or maybe just the kettle.
My friends and families have been sick with illness that was trying.
Other dear ones that I know lost loved ones and they’re crying.

But then I thought about the times when I felt really lifted.
These friends all showed me with their love that I was really gifted.
They came to me when I was at the lowest point in life.
The words they spoke encouraged me to overcome the strife.

I thought about the many things that made me really grateful.
That through their strength realized I didn’t have a plate full.
When times were hard they really showed that they could persevere.
And carry on throughout the grief for the entire year.

My feelings were that I had been the object of the sorrow.
These trials that were thrust on me would cancel out tomorrow.
When I compared them to the good it sent my senses reeling.
I knew right then that I would live and I enjoyed the feeling.

Peace on Earth is possible if only I can live.
I have to show to all my friends that I can truly give.
With all the love that I can show I want you to be merry.
I want to wish you all the best.  You know this is from Gerry!

Merry Christmas.

Gerald A. Worden 
Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas

Though we’re apart this Christmas I wanted you to know
That thoughts of you have brought to me a warm and tender glow.

Thankfulness and giving are spreading through the land
Tokens of this time of year delivered hand to hand.

Those decorations on the tree and lights hung all around
The carols that the children sing all show me that I’ve found.

These special feelings that I have will never leave I pray
To fill my heart with love and joy upon this Christmas Day.

Telling you how much I care is more than necessary
This wish for Joy and Christmas cheer is sent to you from Gerry.

Gerald A. Worden
Christmas 2010

The Christmas Stocking

A kind Noble man with his daughters three,
Had lost his wife and fortune.
They cooked and mended and cleaned for themselves.
In a cottage beneath their station

The time had come for the girls to marry
But for dowries they had naught.
His daughters were quite depressed
And the Noble man distraught.

One evening, while they washed clothes,
The stockings were hung with care.
Across the mantle they were spread
For the warmth of the fire to share.

Saint Nicholas noted the family asleep
With their stockings by the fire.
From his pouch He pulled three bags of gold
He knew their needs were dire.

Thrown down the chimney one by one,
The coins landed with a clink.
When morning came they were all amazed
Their stockings filled to the brink.

Enough was there for them to marry
The house was filled with laughter.
His daughters were well provided for
They all lived happily thereafter.

To this very day the tradition lives
In the hearts of young and old.
Their stockings or shoes are placed by the fire
With dreams of Saint Nicholas’ gold.

Gerald A. Worden
Christmas 2011
Well Now You Know

This tale, I don't know why I tell
It really seems quite mad.
To think that if I do this well
It might make someone glad.

The holidays have come again
I think about you often.
The Christmas Spirit coming in
And hearts begin to soften.

The Christmas wishes are deployed
The packages all wrapped.
Holiday plans will be enjoyed
And bank accounts are tapped.

There really is one thing that I
Feel that I need to say.
In fact I couldn't tell you why
I tend to feel this way.

I do it now to let you know
For better or for worse.
That I have thought about you so
My feelings in a verse.

I miss your presence close to me
Throughout the Christmas season.
And all year long I hope you see
I love you is the reason.

The special wish I send is fun
So you will be quite merry.
Merry Christmas everyone
A wish for you from Gerry.

Gerald A. Worden
Christmas 2012

The Spirit of Christmas

As the Spirit of Christmas moves through the land,
We all are affected and feeling quite grand.

A little bit nicer than we normally are,
Even more courteous while driving our car.

We're shopping and singing and spreading good cheer,
Counting our blessings received through the year.

The packages wrapped and placed by the tree,
A moment is taken to rest merrily.

With thoughts of Aunt Suzie and Great-Grandpa Mike,
Yes, even the fruitcake that no one could like.

Our feelings reach out with all of our might,
Across miles to reach loved ones so long from our sight.

Filled with a warmth, and a Christmassy glow,
We send you this poem so you also can know.

Our wish for you is to love and be merry,
Merry Christmas to you is the message from Gerry.

Gerald A. Worden
December 2013

  (Have yourself a Merry little Christmas)

Hope you have a Very Merry Christmas
That's the song we sing.
Hoping you get comfort from the love we bring.

Hope you have a Very Merry Christmas
It would make us sad
To find that you have pains we didn't know you had.

We will come, here by dawn each day
If that will ease your sorrows.
We'll pray for you and hold your hand.
Help you face all tomorrows.

Through the years we've always been together
When the odds allow
Have a piece of pie although I don't know how,
And have yourself a Very Merry Christmas now. 

Gerald A. Worden
December 2014

Is it Really Christmas?

The year behind us has been strange, the weather showed tremendous range.
So wet we prayed to stop the rain, it stopped and cacti cried in vane.

The wind blew many tree limbs down, leaves and branches around the town.
The temperature's going down and back, you can't expect to get some slack.

The sprit of Christmas fills the air, and that reminds me why I care.
I know it sounds a bit too sappy, but I really want you to be happy.

The message that I send is such, I care for you so very much.
The words I wish for you to hear, will fill you full of Christmas Cheer.

I send these wishes far and wide, then scatter them to air and tide.
Great happiness for all of us, my wish for you is Merry Christmas!

Gerald A. Worden
December 2015

Merry Christmas

An uttered thought this time of year
can make a change in many.
A simple wish of Christmas cheer
that doesn't cost a penny.

Be it said by telephone
or even face to face.
Because you set the proper tone
and in a state of grace.

Christmas cards, another way
to share the way you're feeling.
Can you tell them all today
and set their senses reeling?

Don't think that you can just ignore
the spirit of the season.
Do what you always did before
and clarify your reason.

Each of us has got the right
to celebrate this yearly.
Everyone has had to fight
for what they still hold dearly.

For every time I try to stop
it really does get scary.
From my hearts bottom to the top
This Christmas wish from Gerry!

Gerald A. Worden
Christmas 2016